Thanks to our friends @thekitchin845
The only thing hotter than the weather is the grill
According to experts, civilization began when man discovered fire. There’s no stronger evidence for that than how happy folks are whenever a BBQ grill is in active use. With summer in full swing, it’s time to get cooking.
Today’s Forecast: Grilling with a chance of drinking
So let’s see, you’ve got your grill, your meat, and your drinks. What else do you need? How about an apron that protects your clothes and keeps you chill while you grill? For that, we’ve got you (literally) covered.
Charcoal grill
It’s the most enduring of basics because it works, even though charcoal takes time to heat up. You could be hovering over the grill for close to an hour just getting it to light up, but that smoky flavor is worth it.
You’ll need an apron made of fabric tough enough to protect you from that high heat and possible sparks. Leather or denim is ideal for this. Considering the clean-up charcoal grills require, your ideal apron is also one that doesn’t show the dirt so easily.
Gas grill
It’s easier to use and control. If you chose a gas grill, it’s likely because you value convenience (next to a mouthwatering BBQ). The convenience of the gas grill should be matched by your apron.
Adjustable straps that make the apron as easy to take off as it is to put on are excellent additions as well.
That BBQ smell is great, but not when it clings to your clothes. So whether you prefer the gas or the charcoal grill, you’re best served by aprons made of breathable and washable fabric.
Stay cool this summer
What’s worth doing is worth remembering. Got any fun (or funny) grilling times caught on camera? Let us in on the fun by tagging us on Instagram.
Need an apron for something other than grilling? Check out our apron gift guide!
See ya at the grill,
The Hudson Team